Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Bella Ready for the First Day of School!

Walking up to school.

Still holding Jane's hand as we enter the building.

Walking Down the Hall. Almost There. Almost Tardy.
Funny we captured every second

Kissing Her Face Off.

Daddy's Pep Talk

Her probably thinking...
Leave already, I'm starting to get embarrassed.

Picking Her Up.
All Smiles.

Rowan was so happy to have his playmate home.

The Day Went Great.
She Loved It!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Time Has Come

I can't even wrap my mind around it yet.
Really all day- everyday- she'll be with someone else?!
Not me?
But this is what I do, this is what I've done for the last five years...
I've taken care of her. I've played with her.
I've put bandaids on her boo boos.
I've hugged her. Fed her. Talked to her.
I've answered her thousands of questions.
Well, okay maybe I've only answered 1/3 of them.
So, did I play with her enough?
Did I engage with her enough?
Did I take her on enough outings?
Did I discipline her enough? Did I display patience?
Does she really know deep in her soul that
I LOVE HER and I am so proud to be her mom?
As silly as it may sound this is what has raced through my mind
over the course of the last two weeks.
This is a big milestone. She is starting her school days.
She will be making friends,
and starting her life outside of me and the home.
She will be making more choices on her own.
While I've struggled with these thoughts God has consistently
reminded me this week of the
promises He has written over her life.

That HE will cover her.
That HE always watches over her.
That HE has a perfect plan for her.
That HE will never leave her or forsake her.
That HE delights in her. She has favor with HIM.
That HE is her protector.
That HE is her friend.

So, thank you JESUS. For loving me. For loving Bella.
For standing in the gap.
For covering all the mistakes I have made as a mom.
For being perfect while I am imperfect.
There is Peace.

So I'm ready. She's ready. It's gonna be good.
Here's to the next season.

Bella and Mrs. Decker. On Meet the Teacher.
Bella wanted me to write this on her pink paper,
so she could hang it on the door.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Baby Jane at Two Months

Two Month Stats
23 inches- 75th percentile
10 pounds- 30th percentile
A tall, dainty little thing.

Rowan went with us to get her shots.
It was of course sooo sad.
After all the trauma-
he walked over and put his head on her head.
His version of a hug.
She stopped crying.
It was real sweet.
Wish I had my camera.
I love her.
And I am so glad that she is apart of our lives.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Two Month Smiles

Jane's 2 Month Smile

Rowan's 2 Month Smile

Bella's 2 Month Smile

Carpe Diem

Well, I turned the big 30.
I am an official adult.
If I wasn't so tired I would try to think of something
funny to say about turning 30.
But I got nothing.

However, I do have a new camera now.
After I was done playing with it tonight,
I uploaded these and got so sad.
Not because I am getting older,
but because these guys are.
Bella looks so old to me in this picture.
Where did the time go?!
I do have to remind myself of what my
mother-in-law always tells me and that is
that each stage is so fun and special,
so don't spend too much time grieving the past,
but enjoy each season.
Carpe Diem.
So that's what I going to do.
Good Night from this old hag with orange teeth.
An observation courtesy of my darling 5 year old.