I just don't have a computer I love to use.
My laptop died.
My laptop died.
And as I said before, I don't like using biggy's computer.
Cause this is what is looks like underneath his desk.
and I am deathly afraid of these
lurking underneath there
and I am deathly afraid of these
lurking underneath there
So as I dangle my legs under his desk,
all I can think about is
one of these
crawling up my leg
unhealthy I know
But I have a little courage today with
Buster and Rowan by my side.
This is a little glimpse into our world
Buster and Rowan by my side.
This is a little glimpse into our world
the last month or so...
1st grade. spelling test. homework. walking pigeon toed. tripping on the crooked foot (all the time). wrestling with an almost three year. staying home a lot cause the sweat that drips off my head just walking to the car. a single mom for a week while brett was fishing in Colorado. impetigo. painting clothes on barbies. tired of seeing bare boobies. getting ready for a garage sale. eating donuts. slumber parties with my niece of Tuesdays. Nest of Wed. volunteering at buns' school on Friday. MDO on Thursdays. and now blogging on Sundays.
1st grade. spelling test. homework. walking pigeon toed. tripping on the crooked foot (all the time). wrestling with an almost three year. staying home a lot cause the sweat that drips off my head just walking to the car. a single mom for a week while brett was fishing in Colorado. impetigo. painting clothes on barbies. tired of seeing bare boobies. getting ready for a garage sale. eating donuts. slumber parties with my niece of Tuesdays. Nest of Wed. volunteering at buns' school on Friday. MDO on Thursdays. and now blogging on Sundays.
I hate roaches! gah! why do they EVEN exist.
i hoPe yoU caN geT a MAC
thE eXtra feW $$ iS woRth iT iN thE lonG ruN...
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