Sunday, August 7, 2011


Here are all the birthday details.

Woke up at 5:30am.
Bella went to bed in a fret the night before,
begging us to wake her up before we left for the
hospital. She hugged and kissed the belly one last
time. We headed out as they got back in bed with my sis.
We got to the hospital and while
checking in, Biggy B,
gave me my birthday gift.
Which consisted of the hot guy
in a banana hammock, money for
some new "in-between" clothes and
a two night stay in Hyatt Hill Country.
We got into the room around 7.
They hooked me up to pitocin.

I asked for a wireless monitor,
so that I could walk around.
I was aiming for a med-free labor.
Since it was my 4th,
I thought the recovery would
be easiest if I tried
to do it without an epidural.
So Brett and I ambulated...

Soon after, the nurse
made me lay back down,
because Lela's heart rate
would decelerate with every contraction.

After laying down for a
while I convinced her to
let me sit in the rocking chair.

At 12:15 my pain was at a 6.
I was dilated to a 4.
Completely effaced.
At 0 station.

But again laying in bed.
My contractions seems so much
more painful when I would lay day,
so I would get up and go to
the bathroom every 20 mins.
Each time asking the nurse if
I could move around.
She would just say no.
And I would sadly return to the bed.

Around 1:45 my contractions were
coming every 2 to 4 minutes.
I was so tired. I could barely keep my eyes open.
The nurse checked me again.
I was at a 4. and so discouraged thinking
I can't do contractions every
2 minutes for hours on hours.
I wish I would of had her check me one more time,
but at 2:30pm and thinking I was at a 4,
I asked her if it was too late to get an epidural.
She said, "noway" And ordered one.

At 2:30 the man came
in to give me an epidural.
It didn't take on the left side.
I still seemed to be in so much pain.
The new nurse (there was a shift change)
told me to give myself more.
Therefore, I did, but it didn't change.
Then it came...the irresistible urge to poop.
And the deep moaning.
She came to check me at
3:15 and I was at an 8.
So she yelled down the
hall to call Dr. Rister.
I told her I wasn't ready to have the baby,
because I needed a nap before I had to push.
But oh man was I in some pain.
Needing to push, but couldn't yet.
The nurse was sweetly giving me a play by play
on what she thought Rister was doing.
Gathering his papers.
Getting in the car. Driving over.
Getting out of the car.
It seemed like forever.
She asked to check me again.
I told her she couldn't.
If I opened my legs the baby would
come out.
At 3:50 Dr. Rister walked in.
Checked me.
The baby's head was in plain view.
I pushed. And there arrived
Lela June Swartz

Tears of Joy.
Tears of a Season Past.
Tears of Knowing my
Family is Complete.
Tears of Relief.
Tears of what the hell
are we gonna do
with four kids.
(kidding nothing like that crossed my mind)

My sweet mother- in- law.
Who rubbed my back and held my hand.

The brother and sisters coming to
meet their little sis.

Rowan asked if he could pet her.
Jane just wanted her daddy.
Bella wanted the gift that Lela had
gotten her.


Proud Parents

Opening their gifts.

Sweet Family and Friends
Came for a Visit
and to Meet Miss Lela June

I asked the nurse if she got nervous
at all thinking that she
was gonna have to deliver the baby.
She responded,
"I started sweatin' it. I had
to take off my jacket."

This guy wants to hold her
ALL the time!

Here's All the siblings in one frame.
After two nights and almost 48 hours.
It was time to take Lela home.

First Thing When We Got Home

Lela June 2 days old.

-my sweet friend Alissa made the door hanger-
- all the black and white pictures were taken by my dear friend,
Kathy Wiethorn-


Katy said...

Lesley! That was the sweetest post! It made me cry! :) Hope you are doing well!!!

Our Life Version 6.0 said...

Yay, Lesley! You got a natural birth after all!! :-)
Love your birth story! The pictures are so sweet too.