Monday, September 5, 2011

Rowan's First Opening Weekend

Dove Hunt

We started the weekend off
hunting with
some friends on their property.
Rowan and Brett had a great time.
And us girls had fun hanging out inside.
Relaxing and watching BU's win!

Jane looks a litte freaked out.

The following day we went out
to the ranch to see if we
(brett and rowan)
would have any luck
with the dove out there.

Brett would hunt.
And the girls would watch.

Brett and his entourage

This little guy had the time of his life!

Reese did a pretty good job as the
"hunting dog"

This little lady celebrated
her one month of life over the

Chillin' after along day of hunting/
hunt watching.

1 comment:

Carol Jean said...

Love the pics especially the one of Bella holding Lela and smiling at Rowan!