Monday, November 7, 2011


Ever since I started having
kids old enough to know
what Halloween is,
I have struggled
with whether or not
we should participate
in celebrating Halloween.
I don't love that
Halloween glorifies
the dark things
of the world with
its focus on ghost, witches,
horror, and death.
And that it is deeply
rooted in the occult.
But with that being
said, I do not
judge people
that get into it.
One of the people I love most
in my life, my sister,
loves!! Halloween.
For now we
(along with The Gaines')
have settled on going to
"10" (non-scary)
houses and then off to
dinner at Cracker Barrel.
It works for us,
and I love seeing
the little people in costume.

Here are some
pictures of our past
Halloween's, as well as,
this year.
Oh, how I love to bring
back old pics.


(i didn't get a group shot this year) sad.



This cow wasn't so sure about going
up to people's doors.

She just stood back and watched
until the sweet butterfly
came back to take her.

(i didn't get a cracker barrel shot this year) sad.


Carol Jean said...

I love how you guys take on Halloween!!! Great family tradition!

Yakub said...

Your family phtos are very attractive and sign of love.
