Rowan Butler Swartz was born September 27th at 9:17pm. He weighed 8lbs 7oz and was 20 1/2 inches long. He was the exact same weight of his sister.
I started "easy" labor at school around 10.
Went to the doctor at 2 and then to the hospital at 4:30.
It was painful, but the pain doesn't even compare to the return.
I feel so blessed and love my new family of four.
(FYI- Rowan was born on my Uncle Allen's b-day (my dad's brother) so it was a perfect time)
Here are a few pictures... more to come.
It was painful, but the pain doesn't even compare to the return.
I feel so blessed and love my new family of four.
(FYI- Rowan was born on my Uncle Allen's b-day (my dad's brother) so it was a perfect time)
Here are a few pictures... more to come.
Such a beautiful family!! And now Bella has real live baby and with hair, too!!!!
Congratulations, Leslie, Brett, and Bella! Rowan is so 4 make a beautiful family!
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