Thursday, November 1, 2007

Tale as old as time Song as old as rhyme...

Beauty and the Beast
Once upon time there was a young girl named, Bella.
Bella loved to be girly. So, of coarse, on Halloween she wanted to be nothing other than a princess. Her mom, just having had another child, wanted to try to "match" her children's costumes. So, Bella's mom went off to look for a princess dress in young Bella's play closet. After a few short minutes of digging around, her mom was delighted to find a yellow Belle costume from the movie Beauty and the Beast. Perfect, her mom thought. Now Bella can be a princess, and her mom didn't even have to purchase a costume. However, if Bella's mom wanted her kids to "match" she now how to think of a character from Beauty and the Beast to put on her 5 week old son. Well, the mom knowing she was not too crafty decided against the teacup, the clock, and the candelabra. And that well... only left the beast. Although a little hesitant to dress her sweet son as a beast, she started to brainstorm ways to make a beast costume.
The final product is pictured above.
As the story continues the mom made the beast costume and put it on her son to take pictures. As she was taking pictures, she noticed that the son kept grasping onto to the fur and pulling it off. Worried that he might get it in his mouth, she changed his shirt to one that had "little prince" written on it.
That also worked... prince and princess.
Why didn't she think of that in the beginning?

So everyone tricker treated happily ever after.
There will be a link to more Halloween pictures soon.


Carol Jean said...

"Beauty and the Beast" has always been my favorite fairty tale and now you managed to out do Mr. Disney himself. That was a wonderful story!! and I love the shirt Rowan wore to go along with his big sis' dress. PERFECT!!!! You are very crafty!!

walkers said...

don't kid yourself, you are crafty! i love it!