Sunday, January 6, 2008

Things I Want To Do In 2008

Okay so I have decided to write down 10 things I would like to do in 2008. If I have them documented somewhere then at the end of the year I can look back and see what all I have accomplished. I might change a few of these in the next couple of days. I haven't given too much thought to this idea, but this is what I came up with for now.

1. Enjoy life as much as I can everyday!

2. Spend quality time with Bella and Rowan everyday... whether it is watching Bella jump on her bed for 30 minutes or talking baby talk to Rowan. Just engage with them everyday!
3. Run a half marathon
4. Go on a vacation and/or weekend trip with just Brett
5. Get on a budget and stick to it
6. Stay organized! Well, get organized and then stay organized.
7. Save up money and buy a new digital camera that has a working screen.
8. Pray Everyday
9. Cook 4 times a week
10. Make my 2007 scrapbook and make Rowan's baby book!

- pick up Haley in Washington on the way to Berlin to see Steph! :)
That would be so great!


Anonymous said...

10. Visit Steph.

Haley Wright said...

I was going to write Visit Haley and then I saw Steph's comment!
Maybe you and I should go to Germany to visit Steph!!

Carol Jean said...

Stay on top of my blog that has so many readers addicted!! :)