Monday, July 28, 2008

So He's A Little Slim

Well, not really... today marks 10 months (and one day) since I had the little guy.
However, I am a little behind on scheduling the doctors visits,
therefore, this week was his 9 month doctor visit.

His stats...

Height- 29 1/4 inches tall 70%
Weight- 19 lbs 20%

Mama needs to feed that boy. He is a skinny dude.
Actually let's call him slim.
One of my dearest guy friends from high school always
told me to never call a guy skinny... call him slim.


Nicki W. said...

i have a slim jim too :) tristan is always way taller than he is plump!

S, J, B, & S said...

He is sooooo cute! I love that your kids are so tan ... they have that great skin!! My poor guy is pale as a ghost! :)

Our Life Version 6.0 said...

Audrey is petite and only in the 25th% and 30th% for weight and height so I understand! :-) Rowan is such a cutie!

Beth said...

He is so perfect!
Love your BLOG... love and miss you... it has been too long!!! I just read all your posts... I feel semi up to date!

LeClair Family said...

he is just so cute!!!