Thursday, September 25, 2008

Milk Throw Up

This is how my morning went.

Me: I get up put dishes in the sink. See this...

Me: "Bella why are these
baby dolls
in a glass of water in the sink?"

Bella: "Because they need to wash off."

Me: "Why?"

Bella: "Because they took a milk bath.
And they smelled like milk
throw up."
(not sure what milk throw up is,
but I am thinking it is just sour milk...
since those little girls were sitting in
their milk bath overnight)

Me: "Interesting.
"Where is the milk throw up?"
(I find the cup that had the milk in it.
And it does indeed smell like milk throw up.)

Bella: "One of my baby dolls is taking
an orange juice bath."

Me: I walk to her play kitchen
and see that in fact one of her
dolls is taking an orange juice bath.


Brian and Becca said...

oh my gosh, that is SO SO funny!

Kat @ Inspired To Action said...

That's hilarious!