He is already 18 months!
Halfway to two! But I just had him yesterday.
Today we went to his 18 month appointment.
He weighed 25 lbs (around 30%)
He was 33 inches tall (around 70%)
He is such a joy and adds so much to our family!
My sweet friend Beth described him so well...
"He is so little but he already has a big, tough guy attitude, yet is still good for a cuddle. He will fill the BIG BROTHER role perfectly, it is what he was made for just like Jax! He puffs out his chest when he walks. His eyes twinkle when he sees his Mom....what a sweetheart!"
That really is a great description of him. I picture him as somewhat of a class clown when he is older. He has these mischievous/ little rascal looks in his eyes.
And he loves to make people laugh.
He also has great little chiclet teeth as Reva calls them.
(speaking of, he chipped one the other day when he tripped on my knee and hit the bed frame- so sad :( )
Happy 18th Months, Rowan!!
What a sweetie! 18mths... WOW.. Big BOY! It is amazing to me how much Jax and Rowan are alike...your description of Rowan made me laugh....Jax is the class clown for sure ;-)
love ya
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