Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Here's the Story

I'll try to keep it short as possible...
but for those of you, like myself, that love detail...
Here is my labor, delivery, and a little post delivery story.

So it all started one really hot, sunny afternoon.
I was feeling drowsy because I had been up late the night before with inconsistent but legitimate contractions. However, I was determined to not go into labor until the following morning. So I tried to take it easy all day, trying not to get too worked up. Later that evening Brett, my sister, my nephew, and I took the kids to Chuck-E-Cheese. I was contracting the whole time I was there. Again sitting most of the time, trying to slow them down. The idea of having to labor through the night scared me. With Rowan I had been at work all day the day I had him, so I was exhausted by the time he entered the world. I knew if I was going to have to labor all night it would be even worse. We headed home around 8. My mother-in-law was there waiting for us. We put the kids down and as we were getting into bed, I told Brett I didn't think I was going to make it through the night. We laid down, and an hour later I woke him up telling him my water had broken. I ran to the bathroom (sorry it gets a little gory) and I had passed a fairly large blood clot... not water but blood. (okay that is all the grossness I will speak of) So I called the doctor on call. He said my cervix was probably thinning and to wait until the contractions were 5 to 6 minutes apart. At this point they were 7 to 8. So, we tried to go back to bed. Yea right. At midnight we decided to go ahead and go. I was still bleeding and felt funny about it.

I will try to go a little faster- I am probably losing some readers by now.

Midnight- laboring- in pain- dilated to a 3- 80% effaced
3:00- Epidural- dilated to a five
3:30-5:00- Try to sleep (meanwhile Brett doesn't have to try- he is totally out)
5:00- Sister gets there to keep me company
6:15- Mother-in-law and Jojo arrive; I am thinking it should be any minute
6:30- Dr. arrives; dilated to an 8; he breaks my water
Labor Slows Down.
7:00- I am given a little pitocin to jump start labor again
9:15- Start Pushing
9:23- She's Here!

Oh -After it was all said and done the bleeding ended up being my placenta pulling away from the wall of my uterus. All was well since I was delivering that day anyways.

After arrival we headed back to our room. The first day went wonderfully. We had sweet friends and family come visit. Bella and Rowan met her and fell in love. They have been so sweet with her. Rowan almost too much. If he is holding her and you try to take her away he wraps his arms and legs around her.

Here is a little video of it.

We don't usually tease the guy by pretending to take her away...
I just wanted to get a little footage of it.

The following day the pediatrician came in and told us that Miss Jane had some abnormal white blood cells indicating possible infection. Since I was Group B Positive, (
the doctors were very aggressive about treating the possible infection. Group B Strep in babies can be life threatening. Therefore, within a couple of hours they had an IV in Jane's forehead (they tried the hand but couldn't get it in her little vein), and she was given her first round of antibiotics. She had to get them for 48 hours. So we stayed an extra night. When tested again on Saturday morning her blood was normal, so we were given the okay to go home!

Saturday we headed home and every since I have hit the ground running. Except for this morning when my sweet mother-in-law took the older kids and I got to sleep in until 10 and take a shower!

I do have to say going from two kids to three kids has been a much bigger change for me than from one to two. Someone is in constant need of assistance. It is a challenging to say the least, but I love it!

HERE for Pictures of Chuck-E-Cheese
HERE for Labor, Delivery, and a Few Days After


Beth said...

Love the details... love you!!!!
Ollie had the same thing at birth...pretty scarey! I am so glad sweet Jane is ok NOW!!!
Too cute the video!!! Hugs to ALL!

Keep Your Eyes on the Stars said...

I love the detail too!!! Congratulations! Your family is so beautiful!!

Tabaitha said...

Glad to hear that everyone is doing well. I love details, so thanks for the post. Praying for a smooth week for you guys.

Katy said...

Love reading all the details! :) I can't believe you only pushed for 5 minutes===NOT FAIR! ;)
AnnMarie had the same IV in her head because of Group B. So hard to watch! Glad that y'all are all home safe and sound. You looked so beautiful in all the pictures!We need to walk up there and hang out one day.
(You can laugh at my swollen ankles and feet.) hehe

LeClair Family said...

Great story!! I love that you give the blow by blow!! So happy for you guys!!

Doe Family said...

I've been waiting for those details! :) Love you. The video of Rowan is too cute! He loves her!! :) Call me if you ever have a free second again ;).