Sunday, August 9, 2009

Carpe Diem

Well, I turned the big 30.
I am an official adult.
If I wasn't so tired I would try to think of something
funny to say about turning 30.
But I got nothing.

However, I do have a new camera now.
After I was done playing with it tonight,
I uploaded these and got so sad.
Not because I am getting older,
but because these guys are.
Bella looks so old to me in this picture.
Where did the time go?!
I do have to remind myself of what my
mother-in-law always tells me and that is
that each stage is so fun and special,
so don't spend too much time grieving the past,
but enjoy each season.
Carpe Diem.
So that's what I going to do.
Good Night from this old hag with orange teeth.
An observation courtesy of my darling 5 year old.


Katy said...

Hey friend!
I know the feeling---I just had my bday (the big 31), and I am too tired to even discuss it! haha ;)
Anyway, I love the advice about enjoying each phase. I'm going with that instead of being too sad!

Beth said...

Oh sweet Lesley.... YOU ARE TOO FUNNY! Happy B-day... it's a fun year... since being in my thirties I like to sing the Tim McGraw song "In My Next Thirty Years" at the top of my lungs! I DO understand the being sad.... my babe is starting Kinder, WOW! Well, I Love you and thanks for the reminder to seize the day...oh and I am gonna whiten my teeth tonight and think of Bella ;-)

Our Life Version 6.0 said...

Happy 30th Lesley! I know how you feel but my 31st is coming up in October so now I am just trying to get used to the 30's!
You are not an old are beautiful!

sarah watson said...

Happy 30th! It's SO, you're a real adult!

Emily said...

Happy Birthday Lesley! So glad you found my blog! Your kiddos are precious and you look fabulous!!