Monday, November 23, 2009


I bought this new baby carrier for Jane.
I love it!!

My friend, Mary Kay, told me about it.
She has this one
and loves it!
But she also suggested I look into the bECO.
Brett was a little reluctant to spend
that much on a carrier,
but he now says it was well worth the cost.

When I had Bella, I started off with this one.

I like it, but because it is a sling
I felt like it pulled on my shoulder and back more.
Then I got this one, but it doesn't
have the bottom strap that the bECO has.

This model looks a little like John Gosselin's girlfriend.
I know there are a lot of baby carriers out there,
and I know a lot of them are great.
But if your in the market...
I would seriously consider this one.
*if you click on the pictures, they will take you to the websites*

1 comment:

Carly said...

We have the ergo and LOVE it!!
Happy Babywearing! lots of love, carly