Wednesday, April 21, 2010

$1.99 of Fun

Last night I went to bed at 9.
Then woke up at midnight.
That is why I don't go to bed at nine.
I didn't want to get out of bed
even though I was wide awake,
so I decided to check facebook on me lil' phone.
I saw a friend, Emily, had some cool pics
from a phone application.
So I bought my first application- Hipstamatic.
I like it.
So you might see more of it
here on this ole blog.
After making the purchase
I started to drift off again.
And then I heard this annoying
knocking noise from the other room.
I knew it wasn't a child,
because the only child that doesn't
sleep in a cage type contraption was already in my bed.
I got up to check on the noise
because I am brave like that.
And I saw it was this little guy.

Standing on his ball,
eating the plastic off the rim of his cage.

He must be some kind of bored
in the middle of the night.

Here is a glimpse of Brett's
new tat he got yesterday.
It is red and puffy
and he is not ready for it to be
photographed in its entirety.
So that is all from me and my new app.

PS- What the heck do I set my comments on?
Why do I get so much spam?


Stephanie said...

yay! we can post comments now!! love the way those photos look. fun stuff

Beth said...

Yes... I have been missing the comments!!!

M.Lewis said...

I hate how you cant just sleep through the night. I go to bed really like like 1 or 2 even tho I have to get up at 7 to go to work the next day because I just can't sleep or if I do, I wake up in the middle of the night.........

Emily said...

Love that App! Brett's tattoo looks intense.