Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Mutton Bustin

Night One.
A Little Nervous.

Getting Ready


Moving onto the Semi Finals

Night Two.
Happy but reluctant.

Holding onto dad till
it was time to go.

Pumped up now.

And he's off.

He said the ground was not like marshmallows.
It was so hard.
And it hurt his bones.

Proud of him for playing.
However, I think he has gone
into early retirement.
Riding wool it not his thing.


Denise said...

Can't wait to read your blog to my Hubby. He's going to be sad our kiddos missed out on Mutton Bustin'! I can just see Cassie Jo doing that--do they let girls? I'm also laughing my head off over the "frozen toads". Looking forward to lots of laughs tonight as we cruise through older posts :))

~ko said...

Oh my goodness this is so adorable! My five year old was incredibly impressed. He said "I think I could be his friend" :) This is Cassie Jo's sis by the way :)