Friday, May 31, 2013

You are what you eat or what you touch...

Jane is under the impression that if you
eat something or you touch something
you just may, in fact, turn into that something.
It may have started when she was chronically
eating bubble gum one day.
"Jane, if you keep eating that bubble gum,
you're gonna turn into a piece bubble gum."

A snake was found in the streets of our neighborhood.
He was just slithering across the street
as my kids were merrily riding their bikes.
My neighbor picked it up to
show the kids up close.
Jane proceeded to touch it,
and then she touched her face.
She ran into the house in a panic,
asking me if that meant she was going to turn green and crawl on her belly because she touched it.
I reassured her she was not.
Then later told her I thought
I saw a tail hanging out of her pants.
It was mean, I know.
But it's also mean that she can only speak to me in a shrilly whine tone these days.
Later she was snacking on a box of
orange tic tacks.
She asked me is she was
turning the color orange.
"Like your tongue, Jane?"
Nope her whole body.
Here she is throwing a tantrum when she didn't get the answer she was looking for.
The little brother yelled out yes,
before we could answer her.

You can only imagine where her thoughts ran off to when she was told the name of the beverage her dad got her at the gas station.

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