Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Shout It Out

As I was making dinner tonight, I suddenly got the urge that I should go check on Bella in the laundry room. When I walked in there, this is what I saw.

Yes, she was shouting out Jake's hair. She said it was stinking. Now I can't disagree with her on that, but she did sit in time out for it. She has been told she is not aloud to give Jake a bath.
Poor Guy.


Carol Jean said...

That is too funny!!! She sure has an imagination!

The Houston's said...

That is so funny!! That poor dog. He had no idea what he was in for!

mommymimi said...

i LOVE reading your blog! it is so fun! bella is the funniest little girl i have ever known! i LOVE HER!!!! please keep telling bella stories!!! xo

Hollie Reese said...

She is always up to something!

Jordan said...

poor jake, he just can't win!

Doe Family said...

Oh poor Jake!! straggly little man. Love that Bella!!

The Crenshaws said...

I had heard some funny Bella stories through the grapevine, and I figured I ought to read 'em for myself. Sure enough, that little girl gets herself into some funny, mischievous situations!

With a face that cute, how can one get upset with her?!